Now this morning, I am walking the puppy - and she allows a good workout because I have to chase her while she's chasing butterflies! Usually when I am walking, I see others out walking or jogging. I love it when I see the older couple getting their walk in. When I see a person kinda struggling or slowing down, I yell 'Looking Good!' They will perk right up, smile and say, 'Thank You!'. When I see someone in a nice outfit or shoes or purse - I am quick to give a compliment - 'Nice Shoes girl!'
Yesterday, I saw a young woman sitting on her steps very pregnant. She looked like she was tired and ready to drop that baby at any second. I stopped and started a conversation. I think I startled her because I started to conversation like I knew her already! I said, 'Girl - where you going? That belly looks like its ready!' She instantly smiled. I told her she looked so pretty and she started talking about her due date. I congratulated her and kept on about my business. I definitely turned that frown into a smile - at least momentarily. So my fabulous find this week thanks to The Martini Chronicles are - Random Acts of Kindness. It's free, and will put a smile on another person's spirit
Yours Truly,
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