Well it's that time of year! Back to school can be a treacherous time of year. But, if we plan carefully, look for the sales, and shop before the masses wake up - we can get it done!
I found on Wal-Mart website, I think it would be helpful to many parents!!
Donna Raskin, who is a school teacher gives some tips!
1. Help your kids relax.
2. Don't sweat the school supplies.
3. Learn how your child learns**** (I think this is imperative to successful learning)
4. Don't ignore the 'I don't feel well'.
5. Treat me, but not with treats.
6. Hands off the projects.
7. All grades are not created equally.
8. All of life is Middle School. (Oh! Ok...)
9. Ignore the eye rolling.
10. Manners do matter!
To get the full article please go to :
The article is a great source of information for parents who may be feeling the anxiety of back to school time creeping up on them!