Hello friends!
I stumbled upon a great kitchen find. Since I have been married, I find my self cooking more regularly. So I am now in the market for cookware and bakeware. I dislike pans that are supposed to be non-stick, but I am scraping food off the bottom. I decided to try the Nordic Ware brand. So far I love it! I just got 2 more cookware items in the mail the 'Zoo Friends Pancake Pan' and the '2 Burner Griddle' and I am going to break them in this weekend! I will keep you guys posted! If you love good cookware, check them out at www.nordicware.com. This is the perfect gift for a New Home Basket!
Shout Out to my Assistant! Great gift Sighting
Monday, March 28, 2011
My Assistant is the BEST. She gives me ideas and helps me brainstorm through marketing objectives and future planning! As an aspiring florist, she has that business sense AND the decor sense. She has a knack of putting things together. Loving her outfit at our first vending gig. Her vintage scarf 100% complements her blazer. More importantly she has been BAGGED. The chocolate leather satchel she is carrying accents her outfit perfectly. Scarfs are in, great gift!! And every girlie girl loves to get bagged!
My First Fashion Show Vending Event
Finally, I got the opportunity to be a vendor! My first gig! The event was perfect for a first time ever job. It was a hat and clothing fashion show! The fashion show was wonderful! The ladies and gentlemen looked awesome. On the basket end of things, I was very nervous and did not know what to expect. Of course, my mind went blank and I didn't know what kind of baskets to make for this event. So I thought about the holidays coming up... Easter and Mother's Day - only they are really far off, people aren't buying Easter baskets just yet - Mother's Day is even further away! Really stumped, I made Easter Baskets anyway, Spa baskets, and had a PowerPoint presentation of baskets. My assistant and I were still really excited. We did a lot of networking and gave out a lot of cards. We met a jeweler from Ohio. Her jewelry was AWESOME! Pneuma Jewelry. Her info coming up soon.
So what did I learn from this experience:
*Find out the demographics of the attendees, so I can make a basket attractive to that sector of customers.
*Dress more like my assistant, classy casual. Less Carrie Bradshaw. And NO gym shoes.
*Bring product bags
*Bring receipts
*Bring Brochures (for those who need to look at the baskets again after they left)! PowerPoints are good - but everyone can't remember what they saw specifically all the time.
So what did I learn from this experience:
*Find out the demographics of the attendees, so I can make a basket attractive to that sector of customers.
*Dress more like my assistant, classy casual. Less Carrie Bradshaw. And NO gym shoes.
*Bring product bags
*Bring receipts
*Bring Brochures (for those who need to look at the baskets again after they left)! PowerPoints are good - but everyone can't remember what they saw specifically all the time.
Rubbermaid my problems away!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Not sure if there are many people out there who have the tupperware disorder. The tupperware disorder is when you have plenty of great tupperware and can never find the matching lids. I have decided that there is a tupperware fairy that comes down, takes my lids, and hurls them into outer space. I mean where else could they be? Is the dishwasher eating them? I don't think so! ANYWAY, Rubbermaid has glass stacking food storage containers with 'Easy Find Lids'. Hopefully, this will solve my problem? We'll see, will keep you posted!
Yes, we got MUSIC!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Ok! Went to Best Buy! So after many questions, and a few technical issues, I wound up getting the XM Onyx. Only $50.00, with a color screen. It took the technician about 2 hours from beginning to end, and when I got home I activated it! My husband now has Howard at least for a year. Kisses! Great gift.
Music anyone?
My husband loves Howard Stern. He always mentions this show and how it makes him laugh. Following this statement comes...'I wish I had satellite radio in my car'..... So today, we traded cars because he has to fix one of my tires, and I am heading over to Best Buy to get his Sirius radio installed! This is a wonderful gift for anyone who likes to listen to music other than what is playing on the radio. My parents swear by it, because they love to listen to the oldies, and talk radio! No commercials, and they say they are in heaven. So, hopefully my husband will love this gift! Best Buy's Geek Squad will install.
Check them out! Howard Stern, here we come! So what station do you listen to on your Sirius radio?
St. Patty's Day is coming!
Friday, March 11, 2011
St. Patrick's Day is coming up! Everyone is out buying their green tee-shirts, hats and beads. Me? I'm hungry!! Martha Stewart has some great recipes for St. Patty's Day. Check it out!!! Lamb stew, shepards pie, rainbow cake, scones and JAMESON!!! What is your favorite St. Patty's day recipe? You can find the recipes for the foods below on http://www.marthastewart.com/!